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Alla nostra crescita insieme!



In ONEADVOCATE stiamo cambiando il modo in cui un avvocato lavora e come dovrebbe essere un franchising di attività legali. Vi proponiamo di iniziare a collaborare con noi con un anticipo una tantum e una piccola commissione. In seguito lavorerete da soli e liberamente fino a saldare il pagamento iniziale. Ricevi la nostra offerta personalizzata per te!



Invitiamo avvocati e giuristi a diventare nostri partner in qualsiasi città. Lavorate in modo indipendente e, tramite noi, offrite il servizio ai nostri clienti, secondo le nostre regole e i nostri prezzi. Il prezzo dei nostri servizi potrebbe essere inferiore a quello a cui siete abituati.


In questo caso, vi invitiamo a lavorare in modo indipendente e a stabilire autonomamente il prezzo dei vostri servizi. L’utente pagherà un canone mensile. Con il nostro marchio potrete lavorare solo su un determinato territorio.

Avviare la collaborazione

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Dovete solo decidere di scriverci e che la pratica legale è adatta a voi.

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Scriveteci qualcosa su di voi e sulla città in cui desiderate avviare il vostro studio legale.

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    Ricevi una proposta

Aspettati di ricevere una proposta personalizzata da parte nostra e inizia la tua pratica!

Carbon footprint breakdown

Below is a breakdown of our 2020 carbon footprint by major category. As our company is still growing fast we want to give everyone visibility on how the efficiency of our operations evolve over time. We’ll report our footprint in tCO2 per 1 million $ revenue, and aim at reducing both our carbon footprint and carbon footprint/revenue. Our 2020 carbon footprint was 60tCO2 per 1 million $ revenue. It dropped by 34% compared to 2019.

Reducing our impact

The pandemic has altered our activity in 2020. For this reason, we’ll take both 2019 and 2020 data into account to choose a proper benchmark and build a sound reduction strategy, with help from Watershed.

— Our packaging has been re-designed to use less material, be free of plastic and fully recyclable.
— We sort and recycle waste in our offices, across all locations.
— As a tech company, what we do with our IT equipment is very important for us: this is why whenever possible, we donate or refurbish any redundant electronic equipment when it reaches its end-of-life. If it cannot be refurbished or reused, we make sure that none of our electronic equipment ends up in a landfill and is properly disposed of.
— We’re reducing the size of our offices, as our employees now benefit from flexible working policies.
— All our UK employees have access to the Cycle to Work scheme to encourage the use of environmentally friendly transport.

Partnerships and donations

We make it easy for our customers to be part of the change. We constantly support and run donation campaigns to NGOs and groups that engage in support to stop climate change, help war refugees and advocate equal rights for everyone.

We’ve been cooperating with global and local sustainability charity partners such as WWF, Rainforest Alliance or Open Cages, helping them to raise funds through oneadvocate Donations platform.

Did you know that oneadvocate’s customers have donated over £1 million to green, sustainability and climate charities? And they’re not done yet!

Русская версия

Консультации адвоката

Сделки с недвижимостью

Авторские права


Судебный адвокат

Управление репутацией


Финансовые консультации
