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Европски суд за људска права

Одбрана на Међународном суду правде

Консултације. Припрема жалби. Адвокатске услуге на суду

Савет адвоката

Заштита на Европском суду за људска права је дуг и тежак процес, тако да треба проценити основе и изгледе за третман. Обратите се адвокату!

Припрема жалбе

Након што адвокат одлучи да постоји разлог за одлазак на суд, он ће припремити жалбу. Сазнајте трошкове!

Одбрана на суду

Наш адвокат је спреман да поднесе жалбу суду и заступа ваше интересе. Контактирајте нас!

Unleash their creativity

They can design their oneadvocate <18 card the way they want. Draw on it, add text, even add emojis. Let them create something as unique as they are. Personalisation fees may apply

All your family finances, sorted

Add a co-parent so you can both be involved, and upgrade to a paid plan to get up to five oneadvocate <18 accounts and access to all features

Help them smash their savings goals

Saving for college? Or the latest new sneakers? Set goals with them and watch them track their progress in the oneadvocate <18 app. Savings are kept separate from main balance, so they won’t spend it by accident

Ready to “oneadvocate me?”

Send and receive money to and from friends on oneadvocate <18, for free. Add notes and gifs to payments to show off their personality

Радимо са свим случајевима и земљама

How does oneadvocate <18 work?

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Get your teens to download the oneadvocate <18 app and create an account. If they’re 12 or under, you’ll need to create an account for them from your own oneadvocate app

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Approve their oneadvocate <18 account from your oneadvocate app

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    And go!

Get their oneadvocate <18 card, personalise it (fees may apply), and add to Apple or Google pay to start spending straight away

Русская версия

Консультации адвоката

Сделки с недвижимостью

Авторские права


Судебный адвокат

Управление репутацией


Финансовые консультации
