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Trade unions

Join a Trade union!

We will take upon ourselves the protection of your rights!

Does the employer discriminate you?

Select a trade union below and join it. Write to us about the violation of your rights and we will protect you!

Did your employer illegally fire you or threaten you?

Only by joining a trade union will we be able to defend you! Join and we’ll get started!

The employer did not pay the salary!?

Join a trade union and let’s start defending your rights!

Any illegal actions of the employer are our job!

You only need to join a trade union and write to us. If there is no suitable union, then we will create one.

We are together! And that means power!

Don’t be patient! Join a trade union!

Current trade unions

Choose your union. And if there is no correct one, then write to us!

Galzedonia Trade Union

Фпровсоюз работников Кальцедония Групп

Trade Union of Coca-Cola company

Trade Union of Nestle

Trade Union Of Johnson&Johnson company

Any other questions?

Write to our lawyer

Русская версия

Консультации адвоката

Сделки с недвижимостью

Авторские права


Судебный адвокат

Управление репутацией


Финансовые консультации
